Sup, iam Magdalena Sandow, Don’t miss me too much.

How Much Should A 5'2 Female Weigh? [Solved]

Height and Weight ChartHeightWeight5'97 to 127 lbs.128 to 152 lbs.5’ 1"100 to 131 lbs.132 to 157 lbs.5’ 2"104 to 135 lbs.136 to 163 lbs.5’ 3"107 to 140 lbs.141 to 168 lbs.17 more rows

How Much Should You Weigh For Your Height, Gender, And Body Frame Size?

A Person’s Ideal

How Much Should I Weigh? Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight

Everyone is wondering “

How Much Should I Weigh? | What Matters for Healthy Weight Loss 1

Video Script: As a Registered Dietitian, there are two questions that I always get asked. “What