Sup, iam Shawn Turner, I hope your day goes well.

How Much Should It Cost To Resurface Rotors? [Solved]

Resurfacing cost per rotor can vary widely. If you remove your rotors yourself and take them to a shop or parts store for resurfacing, the cost can range from as little as $15 to over $45 per rotor. To have a repair shop remove, resurface and reinstall your rotors can cost up to $100 per wheel, $400 for the whole car.26 Aug 2022

To Resurface or Replace Your Breaks and Rotors?

Hello Everyone! Ever wonder why it’s important to get your

Resurface or replace brake rotor? Here’s how to decide.

In this video, I describe how to decide whether to

Do I need to Turn Rotors when changing Brake Pads - What does Resurface Rotors Mean?
