Hola, iam Thelma Carlisle, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

How Much Water Should A Well Produce Per Minute? [Solved]

5 gpm (two fixtures running simultaneously at 2.5 gpm) is a good estimate of peak demand, for the typical household. Water wells that reliably yield 5 gpm should be able to meet peak and daily needs for most residences. Wells yielding less than 5 gpm, however, are sometimes the only water source available.

Measuring how many gallons per minute a new water well is producing. Bill Griffins Well Drilling


How to Measure Your Well Pump GPM

In this video, Chris shows you how to determine the flow rate of your

Measuring Well Water Flow Rate

Instructions about a simple way to measure the flow (recharge) rate of a private