Namaste, iam Robert Loughmiller, Don’t work too hard.

How Much Weight Can You Lose In A Month Walking? [Solved]

The more you weigh, the more calories you burn. A 140-pound person who walks an hour a day at 3 mph burns 277 calories. Walking daily, that comes to about 2.4 pounds per month. A 220-pound person who walks an hour a day at 3 mph burns about 436 calories, amounting to 3.7 pounds per month.13 Oct 2013

How to Lose Weight Through Walking - Lose up to 20 Pounds (10 kgs) In 30 Days

In this video,

Walking is the best exercise to lose weight, control diabetes and cholesterol

Not the type to lift

How Much You Should Walk Every Day to Lose Weight

Can walking