Hola, iam Donna Tompkins, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

How Smart Is A Lizards? [Solved]

Results of a study by a group of US biologists show tropical lizards share the same level of intelligence as birds and mammals. The team from Duke University in North Carolina say their findings were “totally unexpected,” according to biologist Manuel Leal, the study’s main author.1 Aug 2011

Are Reptiles Intelligent? Reptiles: Smart Vs. Dumb

Reptiles are frequently quoted as being slow, dim-witted, and mechanistic in their habits, but is this really true? In today’s video, I …

The Smartest and Dumbest Lizards I Own

Today, we embarrass a few of my

Monitor Lizards show their Intelligence (The Final Lesson)!

Shoutout and THANK YOU to Chrys Wallace, Teresa Middleton, Don & Cheryl Click, Joey Stephens, Ivy Gagne, Penney Lovins, …