Sup, iam Rosario Henry, Don’t overdo it!

How Soon Can I Wash Hair After Coloring? [Solved]

72 hours Shampooing the day after you dye your hair. “After having your hair colored, wait a full 72 hours before shampooing,” says Eva Scrivo, a hairstylist in New York City. “It takes up to three days for the cuticle layer to fully close, which traps the color molecule, allowing for longer lasting hair color.“9 Aug 2018

5 Things You MUST Know After Coloring Your Hair

Here are 5 things you must know, but your hairdresser probably doesn’t tell you

5 Don’ts after hair color

Sharing some tips on maintaining your

How to Wash Your Hair After Hair Colour/Hair Dye || Garneir Black Naturals Cream Hair Colour 4.0

How to