Hi, iam Kevin Rivera, Peace out!

Is 3.2 A Integer Number? [Solved]

  1. Which of the following are positive integers? The positive integers in this list are: 1, 2, and 7. The rest of the numbers in the list are not positive integers; -1 is a negative integer, 4.5 and -3.2 are not integers because they have a decimal component, and 4¼ has a fractional component.

HARD Puzzle: Can An Integer Polynomial Connect (1, 3) And (3, 2)?

Can the points (1,

The Harmonic Number Is Never An Integer When n Is BIGGER Than 1

If n is greater than 1, then 1+1/

Why π^π^π^π could be an integer (for all we know!).

If you have opinions about my 2n conjecture, send an email to matt+puzzles@standupmaths.com Here is my Numberphile video …