Hola, iam James Craven, Hope you’re having a great week!
Is 5 Psi Over Too Much? [Solved]
It’s very dangerous whether you drive on an overinflated tire by 5 psi or under-inflated tire. Thus, never forget to check its air pressure regularly, at least twice a month. That is a simple but effective method to help extend your tire life, provide a safe ride, and conserve fuel economy.5 Apr 2022
Here’s why tire inflation matters | Driving ca
Low tire pressure can affect handling, fuel economy and tire life. Here’s a test showing just how
Best tyre pressures for extended life, boosted safety & maximum grip | Auto Expert John Cadogan
Running your tyres at the correct pressure is guaranteed to extend their life. That’s an $800 investment (or more) for most people.
Spool a Turbocharger with a 60,000 PSI Waterjet | Absolutely Terrifying
Spooling up a turbocharger with a waterjet? Why not? How fast can it fill a weather balloon? Theres only one way to find out.