Hola, iam Robert Benjamin, I hope you have the best day today.

Is Amtrak Cheaper Than Flying? [Solved]

Amtrak tickets tend to be higher than air fares if you book a roomette or bedroom as the price includes meals and private accommodations. However, Amtrak coach seats are often cheaper than coach seats on a plane, especially if you purchase tickets in advance.8 Sept 2020

Why Trains Suck in America

Trains, well, just aren’t that great in America. Here’s why. Youtube: http://www.YouTube.com/WendoverProductions Twitter: …

Why Trains are so Expensive

Passenger and conductor icons courtesy H Alberto Gongora from the Noun Project Select footage courtesy

Why Trains Are So Expensive (Sometimes More Than Flights)

Have you noticed, when shopping for travel tickets, you occasionally come across prices that defy logic? All the time! For instance …