Hello, iam Lorraine Patton, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Is Being Called Old School An Insult? [Solved]

The term “Old School” is positive. Describing someone this way implies that they haven’t suffered from the same degeneration as the rest of society; that they still have the values of an earlier generation. “Old School” implies that you have retained something good that others have lost, not the other way round.13 Feb 2015

13-year-old’s father confronts teacher who sexually abused his son

Police have released audio of a phone

First class shade. Old school insults. Classic critical bitches. Old Hollywood. Elizabeth Taylor

As kids grow, they’ll naturally start to communicate more online. But some of what they see could make them feel hurt, sad, angry, …

How I Became The Worlds Best DJ With Only One Arm: Black Coffee | E183

Black Coffee is one of the biggest DJs in the world, and one of the largest musical artists to ever come out of Africa full stop.