Howdy, iam Scott Flenard, Don’t miss me too much.

Is Biking 10 Miles A Lot? [Solved]

10 miles is a great riding distance for new riders. Not only is this a popular distance for most Greenways, it’s also a great distance goal for a beginner cyclist. Whether you plan to take the kids on a quick bike trip or start biking on your own, you should definitely know how long it takes to bike 10 miles.

Running Vs Cycling: What Burns The Most Calories?

Running vs

How Fast Can We Ride 10 Miles?… Behind A Car!

As we know, motorpacing, or drafting behind a car, is a way to reach insanely high speeds on the

Why Dutch Bikes are Better (and why you should want one)

The Dutch-style bicycle, an upright bicycle designed for comfort - not sport - is commonplace in the Netherlands. But they’re …