Hi, iam Edward Gilles, Have a pleasant day.

Is Cardboard Good For Garden Soil? [Solved]

It’s a great mulch, and prevents weeds from sprouting. Decomposing cardboard adds organic matter to the soil, improving your garden’s drainage and boosting nutrient levels. Earthworms flock to the dark, moist, safe habitat cardboard provides, leaving behind a nutrient-rich layer of worm castings–free fertilizer!7 May 2019

Cardboard Mulch For The Garden. Soil Scientist Breaks Down Cardboard Mulching. Is Cardboard Toxic?!


CARDBOARD in the Garden | PROS and CONS


How to Make Compost 2x Faster with FREE Cardboard

In this episode, you will discover why John stopped buying and using wood pellets in his joraform compost tumbler. You will learn …