Hola, iam Angela Kelley, Have a nice day.

Is Cardboard Good For Worms? [Solved]

Cardboard as Worm Bedding Cardboard that is highly processed, bleached white, coated, shiny, or saturated with colored ink does not make good bedding. The chemicals can be toxic to the worms. Plastic-like coatings will never break down in a worm bin. Brown corrugated cardboard makes a good worm bedding ingredient.15 Nov 2017

Should We Feed Our Compost Worms Cardboard & Newspaper?

The question is should we feed our compost

Strictly Cardboard Only Worm Bin 6 Month Update

This bin was started 27 weeks ago with plain brown

Feeding cardboard egg carton boxes to your worms. Another successful worm farm experiment.

Another experiment with